Our hearts go out to those affected by the fires in, and around, LA. We are united in our desire to help children around the world, and members of the Kiwanis family have asked how they can be of assistance. The need in California is urgent, and we can help most by supporting their District, so they can quickly and effectively meet their local club’s needs.
Here is a link to the California-Nevada-Hawaii District Children’s Fund. Select “Disaster Relief” near the bottom of the page. Money given will directly impact local Kiwanis clubs and their projects that have been affected by the horrific fires.
This is an opportunity for all our Kiwanis Family to come together and support each other.
Arvada Jefferson Kiwanis Club is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. Our 80+ member club has been in service to our community for more than 60 years.
We meet in person every Wednesday from 7:30am to 8:30am at the Indian Tree Golf Course Club House at 7555 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada. Our meetings include breakfast and an informational presentation. For information about joining one of our meetings please use the “Contact Us” tab.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. We are part of Kiwanis International, an organization serving children for over 100 years.
We’d love for you to come join us at one of our meetings or a service project. Please go to our contact page and drop us a line! Someone will get back with you.
What is Kiwanis?
Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is.
Interested in learning more? Please contact us or apply to join our Kiwanis club here.
AJK contact: Leslie Feuerborn. Sweet Dream contact: Wayne Fox, 303.507.1629
Cheryl & Henry Norton
Jo Burns
Mark Deven
Steve Jouflas
Tiffany Jouflas (?)
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Arvada Service Organizations will work together to provide a service project during this week. More information to come.
AJK Contact: Holli Arnett, [email protected] or Dwayne Cameron, 2024-25 AJK President, [email protected]
Bell ringing in 2-hour shifts. AJK volunteers (9-3) and Jefferson Academy Key Club students (3-7).
AJK Contact: Steve Close, 303.526.9033 or [email protected]
Bell ringing in 2-hour shifts. AJK volunteers (9-3) and Jefferson Academy Key Club students (3-7).
AJK Contact: Steve Close, 303.526.9033 or [email protected]
Bell ringing in 2-hour shifts. AJK volunteers (9-3) and Jefferson Academy Key Club students (3-7).
AJK Contact: Steve Close, 303.526.9033 or [email protected]
Bell ringing in 2-hour shifts. AJK volunteers (9-3) and Jefferson Academy Key Club students (3-7).
AJK Contact: Steve Close, 303.526.9033 or [email protected]
“Serving the children of the world”
FIRE DISASTER RELIEF – Here’s how to help
Our hearts go out to those affected by the fires in, and around, LA. We are united in our desire to help children around the world, and members of the Kiwanis family have asked how they can be of assistance. The need in California is urgent, and we can help most by supporting their District, so they can quickly and effectively meet their local club’s needs.
Here is a link to the California-Nevada-Hawaii District Children’s Fund. Select “Disaster Relief” near the bottom of the page. Money given will directly impact local Kiwanis clubs and their projects that have been affected by the horrific fires.
This is an opportunity for all our Kiwanis Family to come together and support each other.
Arvada Jefferson Kiwanis Club is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. Our 80+ member club has been in service to our community for more than 60 years.
We meet in person every Wednesday from 7:30am to 8:30am at the Indian Tree Golf Course Club House at 7555 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada. Our meetings include breakfast and an informational presentation. For information about joining one of our meetings please use the “Contact Us” tab.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. We are part of Kiwanis International, an organization serving children for over 100 years.
We’d love for you to come join us at one of our meetings or a service project. Please go to our contact page and drop us a line! Someone will get back with you.
What is Kiwanis?
Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is.
Interested in learning more? Please contact us or apply to join our Kiwanis club here.
Facebook Posts
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Upcoming events
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Mark & Sharon's Excellent Adventure - CO School of Mines - Museum and Golden History Museum of Earth Science
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
NO - Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Sweet Dream in a Bag distribution event
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Chili Bunco
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Olde Town St. Patrick's Day Beer Sales Fundraiser
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Key Club celebrates 100 years
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
2025 National Civics Bee hosted by Arvada Chamber of Commerce
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Arvada Olde Town Second Saturday
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elem with meetup at Paneras afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Arvada Olde Town Second Saturday
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Arvada Olde Town Second Saturday
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Arvada Olde Town Second Saturday
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Arvada Olde Town Shindig - Beer Sales
Arvada Olde Town Shindig - Beer Sales
AJK Board Meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
? Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Celebrate Community Week
Celebrate Community Week
Celebrate Community Week
Celebrate Community Week
Celebrate Community Week
Celebrate Community Week
Celebrate Community Week
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
? Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
No Backpack @ Little Elementary
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
Arvada Olde Town Small Business Saturday & Tree Lighting - Beer Sales
AJK Santa House (tentative dates)
AJK Santa House (tentative dates)
AJK Santa House (tentative dates)
AJK Santa House (tentative dates)
AJK Santa House (tentative dates)
AJK Santa House (tentative dates)
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
Jefferson Academy Key Club meeting
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
AJK Club Meeting
No Backpack @ Little Elementary
AJK Club Meeting
No Backpack @ Little Elementary
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards
AJK Club Meeting
Hope House - Dinner by Arvada Service Clubs
Backpack @ Little Elementary with meet up at Panera's afterwards